Translated by
Microsoft from French
Microsoft from French
A title that displeases a lot to anti-F2P and some big fan of the franchise. Yet the game does honor its genre and everything is done to not reproduce the errors of the old RTS.
The P2W: it is much less violent than on the other Tower Defense, the best offers requires you to play the game to unlock content (count 20 euros to open ~ 100 trunk for a lifetime of 200 parts at least) gameplay: the progression is complex (s articularly if we start) the meta changes constantly, mastering the basics and automatisms takes time, it requires a lot of investment and patience like any online game (but it works, many players reach the diamond and master without ruining).
Life span: so yes, you must necessarily take out your wallet at a time but no need to come to extreme sums, a monthly subscription somehow.
Negative: the game is not bad but target a restricted audience, it is not a genre made to be ultra-popular over the duration (clash Royal has shown well) but it is clearly not to throw!
Conclusion: If you are passing through, you will get tired. For fans of the Royal clash strategy games that wish to invest in time and discover its potential, I wish you a good adventure!
Translated by
Microsoft from Italian
Microsoft from Italian
The game would also be nice if it were not that the game decides whether to make you win or lose (cheating), and I want to turn a blind eye to pay to win.
Here are some situations happened-In the same game my troop (advantage) is challenged with that of the opponent my dies and his remains with a nap of life, time a few seconds occurs the same challenge only this time I had the drone healer, but the Result does not change (and in the second case I started to attack)-I Have 2 bases I and 1 my opponent, he enters the second that remains contested and there are 2 troops mine and 1, he destroys me 1 but of course the base is contested because of yellow color , but despite the draw the missile starts against me (in the other two bases there were no changes I checked)-In the game I destroy the Collector of materials (obtaining 100 bonus) and the next reduced in the end of life just Spawnato must withdraw and Stay away from resources for a while, but despite this huge advantage the opponent manages to deploy units as powerful as mine and some in higher numbers, and to win the game.
These are the most frequent, change a little something, but the juice is that and it happens to occur when from Silver 1 I was advancing towards gold 3 and continued until relegation.
I wanted to leave it as a game to pass the time, but it is really frustrating to play.