Completion LawnCare
Experience the unbridled thrill satisfying serenity of mowing a bunch of lawns, but without the heat or insect-bites! Take on unusual lawncare requests (like working around sprinklers and tracing shapes with your lawnmower) - and eventually, get yourself into some pretty serious trouble, with a big and unusual finale!
You can probably finish the main campaign in around an hour or two. If this game was a movie, it'd probably be rated PG-13 for some language.
- Play with a keyboard or a controller, with remappable inputs
- Save shareable screenshots of your victories - grass gets "combed" when you mow it, giving your victory-screen some pleasant-looking hints about what route you took
- Randomized daily-challenges for short endless bursts of lawnmowing enjoyment
- Access the map-editor which was used to make all of the lawns in the campaign mode - but note that you'll need to finish the game before you can use it!
- Unlock goofy cheat codes by completing A+ challenges! No-failure cheats and a "hard-mode" (tank-controls) cheat are available by default - other cheats can still be earned when failure is switched off
If the in-browser version runs a little slow, try downloading the offline version, which runs faster and allows fullscreen-mode! If you already made some progress in the web version and want to switch to desktop, you can download your save file from the Options screen (the file includes some instructions).
Contact me on twitter!
This thread shows the game's entire development process (2 or 3 months) - the main thing it skips over is the ending, since that'd be a spoiler!