Conquer The Tiny World

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The idea of this game is you control a civilisation on the surface of a very small world. Each city has only a limited space to build and research is focussed around maximising the space you have, increasing building capacity, verticality and increasing the number of tiles within the city which can be utilised for buildings.

Your civilisation can expand by creating a new city in adjacent tiles but you must balance expanding too fast with the happiness of your people. Unlike other games such as Civilisation there is no unit/unit fighting or unit/city fighting, only cities fighting each other for the land they occupy. If you try to expand into an enemy tile they will fight and after a few turns you will take the square. You can check that a fight is happening when a small UI element appears showing the progress in the top left corner.

Explore the world with your scout then try to take over your enemies by expanding your cities into their land (this is not the intended ulimate goal).

If you can't see the turn (year) progression bar at the bottom please maximise the window.

Middle click - Move camera

Scroll wheel - Zoom

Left click - (De)Select City/Scout

Right click - Move selected Scout

Research button (top left) unlock better buildings

You can slow and speed up time using the arrow keys at the bottom of the screen.

Unfortunately this is very much a skeleton of the game I wanted to make but I felt it should be submitted for the work that went into it. I knew it was going to be an ambitious project but I had hoped a few more features could have been implemented. I hope you enjoy the bare experience.

Planned features
Town planning - Balance building size/count vs population to maximise food/population growth

Handle population - Change the rolls of your population to balance happiness, food yield, science

Inter-city trading

Turn by turn/tile by tile movement - somewhat implemented. The scout can move too far in a turn, missing exposure of some tiles.

Known Bugs

You can stack cities - should be easy to fix post-jam.

If you click on the same enemy city multiple times the game will crash. Sorry for the lack of visual feedback.

The scout can walk on/through water tiles.

Pausing is intended to allow you to make moves and have them implemented when you resume, currently it just pauses the game entirely (except for UI).


Only building research is unlockable, other research does nothing.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for Linux

Conquer The Tiny World screenshot, image №2454235 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jul 20, 2020

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