Control is Remote
NOTE: This is a submission for the GMTK game jam 2020 and was made in the two day time period. The theme was, "Out of Control". This was a one person project.
free sound effects from
Please read the "How to Play" if you are confused about the mechanics.
REGARDING THE LEVELS: There are a bunch of shortcuts you can take, so the game shouldn't be too hard. If it becomes a big problem, maybe I'll add levels where you there are no shortcuts.
Control is Remote
-> Control your character through a remote and send it commands in order to get it to the finish line! Make sure to stay on the path and avoid enemies, otherwise your controls will get scrambled!
-> There are a total of three levels to complete for the first version.
-> If you find any bugs, (I know there are plenty of them), please tell me so I can fix them.
Regarding the Theme
-> The main way this game fits the theme is that you are not directly in control of the car. You are sending it commands, but they might not necessarily go through (sometimes they will fail). Also, your control schemes is not kept the same, so you need to be on your toes.