Corn Sausage RPG
Corn Sausage is my first publicly available RPG MV game. The player takes on the role of COOL GUY, a loser living with their mom, as they experience "the greatest night of their life," in a quest to prove mom wrong-- twin-sized mattresses do, in fact, constitute adequate decorations. Recruit friends, solve mysteries, and enjoy delicious food as you travel the tri-state area in search of the Legendary Mattress Stores.
It features a mostly silly tone, but has some heart to it. Not counting optional content, the game runs about 2 hours long.
Corn Sausage was developed as an exercise in kicking myself out of the nest, so-to-speak. With 3000 hours and 2 private projects under my belt, I was ready to make something grand to release to the public. Before I could do that, however, I forced myself to spend 2 months and no more on a project (thus the Pokemon artstyle) that I would have no choice but to show to the public.
Ver. 1.2.0 (6 November 2022)