Corni's Adventure of Life
Corni's Adventure of Life is a game where Corni is running away from Corona Virus and game has been made during Brackey's Game Jam 2020.2 in August 2020.
Theme is implemented using enemy which,if touches you,you go back to the start of a level.Also terrain is designed to be confusing so you can rewind yourself back to start of the level.
Game has bugs,but none of them should made game unplayable.If you run into bugs that made game unplayable click R to restart.
All assets were made by me.I followed code tutorials on Youtube.
Note:You can climb walls,cliffs as small Corni.Also in level 1 don't fall straight down because you can merge with ground.Levels are huge and all of them contained powerups and finish line.It's up to you to decide if they were necessary to pickup or not,but don't allow them to rewind you back to start.