Corona Home Simulator
This is my submission for the Quarantine Game Jam. Made it solo in 24 hours on March 15th 2020. Going to hit the bed now... This seems like the end...
The game simulates spread of germs at home. You can interact with the items in your house and as you do, the germs spread from item to item. A green hollow indicates the contaminated items.
- You can wash small items and your hands to clean them.
- You can change clothes to clean your outfit.
- You can throw items in trash can, clean or non-clean.
Catching the virus:
You catch the virus only if you eat a contaminated food item.
Spread of virus:
The virus spreads from item to item (your hands and clothes are invisible but still spread the germs)
Game ends when you go to bed.
I have a lot of ideas on how to develop the game further and add additional mechanics (disinfecting wipes, more toilet paper stuff, preparing food, multiplayer (multiple people in the same house, etc.) Depends on whether there is an audience for it. If you like the game give me a shout out.
Leave me a comment if you have any thoughts, suggestions, feedback and/or praises.
IG: @no_such_studio
github: @hk1ll3r