Cossanox (itch)
Embark on a journey through space and time, battling an ancient alien menace to save the Universe. Using the all powerful Cossanox this alien seeks to reshape the known universe in order to spread and consume. You and your crew must put an end to the threat and recover the Cossanox.
In this space shooter you will have access to various upgrades and weapons.
- Main Weapon Upgrade
- Ship Speed Upgrade
- Pulse Turret
- Wave Turret
- Laser Turret
- Homing Missile Turret
- Bomb Turret
- Rapid Fire Turret
- Shield Pickup
- Extra Life
Your turrets can be swapped, set to fire forward, backward, or above and below. Your ship can also turn to face backwards.
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Default Controls
Main Weapon Fire A / Cross / Keypad 8 Charge Weapon B / Circle / Keypad 5 Weapon Swap Y / Triangle / Keypad 6 Turn Ship X / Square / Keypad 4 Turret Aim Left LB / L1 / Keypad 7 Turret Aim Right RB / R1 / Keypad 9 Up Left Stick Up / W Down Left Stick Down / S Left Left Stick Left / A Right Left Stick Right / D Pause Start / Escape Menu Accept A / Cross / Enter Menu Cancel B / Circle / Backspace