Countdown (itch) (JustBlinkGames)
You have been transported to a remote missle bunker with one counter offensive missile. Can you save the world?
You need to make the RIGHT CONNECTIONS at the RIGHT TIME to launch the missle.
The missile launch is simple and can be achieved in two minutes. However things are run down and resources are limited.
Chances are you will die trying . . .
. . . but, if you succeed, stories will be told of you and songs sung.
Made by JustBlink for the Lost Relic Games game jam 2022 .
Thanks to all these fine people found at Pixabay for images .
Michael Gaida, Tracy Lundgren, WikiImages, xegxef, Dimitris Vetsikas, Peter H, Herbert Aust, Mike Cuvelier, Susann Mielke, Ivana Jurasinovic, OpenClipart-Vectors, Clker-Free-Vector-Images
Thanks to all these fine people found at OpenGameArt for audio.
dklon, Blender Foundation, spookymodem