Crappy Bird
A very small game made in pure Java for Ludum Dare 42 in 48 hours!
In this game, you play as an angry city citizen that had a really bad day, and all of a sudden the birds start to crowd all around him as if he's food or something! He gets so mad, that he brings out the big guns (literally) and starts to shoot at the seemingly innocent creatures. You may have a gun, but the birds have something else: Their FECES. You have to avoid their fecal matter at all times due to it being TOXIC enough to kill a person dead! You start with 100 health and no score. Your main objective is to kill of as many birds as you can, whilst still maintaining a beating heart!
There is no real "win condition", you just have to beat your own highscore(s) until you're satisfied!
Please report any bugs if you find any, thanks a lot for playing; and I cannot wait to play your games! See you next LD!
NOTE: Make sure you have the Java Runtime Environment installed! If not, go to Oracle's page and install it!