Crazy Veggies reviews

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Microsoft from Russian
All achievements except 60 Lvla are taken quite easily. Take the last achivku interferes 54 level. One of this level is heavier than all the previous ones, because there is nothing to do with you at all, and the conditions are noticeably heavier)) You will pass it only if you are lucky. So, and only a jerk will help you take all the Acachivki. Well and strong nerves of course. Z.: Well and the desire of the user developer-burning in hell
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Microsoft from Deutsch
For 49 Cents in the Easter Sale you can buy it but no more. The Game is a loveless conversion of the mobile Version (Free2Play, Pay2Win) and you can also see that in the PC Version. Already from Level 10 it gets a lot of time and there is Frustration instead of Pleasure. The PC Version simply removed the InApp Store, but the Level Of difficulty remained the same, making the game almost unplayable.
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Microsoft from Russian
Your mother, I read the information faster than the computer program. The Next port from the phone to the computer for absolutely hopeless or free of business guys. It's Not quite clear what we're doing, but it doesn't matter. The Game simply attracts the ease of its achievements and knocking cards. Everything would be fine, but the game is a treche of optimization. It is literally lagging behind the development or a long-time thinker. I Doubt it's about my system. I doubt it. Sometimes the mouse disappears, and sometimes it takes a long time to think that there are no more options on the level. In Short, the optimization of this treche does not deserve attention, but for the sake of achievements or cards, you can play. Although, to withstand 60 levels, I could not. I couldn't even resist 30.
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Microsoft from Russian
In General, the game is pleasing to the eye and all that and could be played, if not one big "BUT"... The Game as I understand is a port with mobile phones and itself is sharpened by pumping out of players money, through the purchase of crystals, which you can buy characters, as well as things to simplify the passage of levels. While it usually happens in f2p games, starting with certain levels, without these things, the levels can be only a miracle-if you are very lucky with the folding vegetables on the playing field. When porting to the comp, the purchase of these crystals were removed, but only the probability/number of crystals received in the game did not increase. In General, in the end you can pass the game somewhere level up to 50-55, and then boldly score-for on the following levels you will need tens/hundreds of attempts on each level, depending on your luck.