Creeper World 2: Anniversary Edition reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Creeper World 2-the perfect continuation of the original strategy for capturing space. The Author improved his idea and almost literally "unfolded" the battlefield, changing the principle of resource collection. And Although in the end the game loses a bit in balance and interest, it is still the additive that you recommend to fans of the first part and people who need something original in the genre of strategies. The Feeling that the author cut through the living and changed the fundamentals of the first game from and to meets us from the first seconds-instead of the sad-defeatism of the dying under the pressure of the unknown substance of the world we listen... Music from the Disco from Blida! Yes, if I'm not mistaken, the original is very similar to that melody. A Little further will be quieter melodies and, for example, the musical version "UT 2004-Assault" (!). What do we have next? Top View? Come on, let's turn the battlefield, now we're looking at it sideways! So, gravity will force to build from above, the ground can be dug and in advance to think, not to dig out superfluous, having lost advantage. How did we deliver resources on captured points? To Abolish, now "packets" with the data themselves got back where it is necessary, and energy will develop building reactors! Famously having re-worked the rules of his game, the author has achieved a very good balance and introduced many new elements, such as now we build tunnels and can close the flow of creeps shields, repel it with beam weapons and much more. By the Way, what do we have on the battlefield only harmful creeps? And let us do our OWN! In General, there is a place where. Besides, now we read not just scraps of crumpled text, we now have full-fledged main characters, Young admiral, his assistant, an old space Wolf (hero of the last part!) and, of course, new enemies, sudden allies. The characters Look Unkazisto, the essence of tasks vary weakly, but still, to move on the story became more pleasant. Minus was that the balance of missions is sustained by the average. Almost half of the 20 quests you pass without straining, and then instead of a smooth build-up of problems get a whole level-a puzzle, where you will likely be forced to look at the solution on the Internet, so it... Not much. The Slightest deviation from the plan and lost. The absence of this pleased the first part, the strategy was simple, but allowed not to be afraid of mistakes. And to the penultimate mission and at all there will be a desire throw, too long, difficult and strictly the only becomes a decision of a puzzle, directly minesweeper on a hardcore. The Last level and at all introduces for some reason new units, forcing to only ways of passage. However, it is still worth playing, the game still pleases with its original gameplay.