Crumb (itch)
Start with a stash of 10 crumbs. Move crumbs across a hexagonal board from one corner to another. The corner that you are trying to move crumbs to is called your base. Get all 10 of your crumbs to your base to win!
Crumbs in your hand can be placed on the board. Crumbs can be moved to your hand from the stash or from a space. The stash and spaces are only available to be pulled from if they have at least one of your crumbs on them. While deciding where to pull from, spaces and the stash are marked green, if available.
During your move, spaces are marked with various colors. Available spaces are green. The current space is yellow. Spaces that crumbs have been moved to are red. A space is available if it is adjacent to the current space and no crumbs have been moved to it during the current turn. The only base that is available to you is your base.
If you place the last crumb from your hand onto a space that is already occupied by at least one of your own crumbs, then pick up the crumbs from that space and continue moving!
If there are no available spaces, but there are still crumbs in your hand, then the crumbs in your hand are dropped onto the current space and it is the next player's turn.
Crumb can be played with up to 6 people, but this version supports one human player and one computer player. Please leave any feedback you have! I'd love to make UX improvements and hear what you think of the game.
Thank you for playing Crumb.