Actions take place in a parallel universe. Time 3318, mankind together with other races are waging wars on different continents that promote the development and use of cybernetic prostheses - this has allowed everyone to live for more than 300 years replacing part of the bodies. Scientists discover a habitable planet and send an expedition consisting of scientists and military, the flight lasts 557.7 light-years, a signal from the spacecraft that the landing has been made successfully after which communication with the ship is lost. On the ground they decide to send another expedition into which the son of the disappeared participant of the expedition gets. When landing the second expedition the ship makes an emergency landing and can not return to the ground. The crew decides to find the ship of the first expedition and spoil the spare parts for repairing their ship and find out what happened with the first expedition. We are playing for the second expedition.
Local Free for All - Up to 2 players can play in free for all mode on one computer - perfect for friendly face-offs.
Local Free for All - Up to 2 players for VS mode.
Here's what you can expect from CRYEP
Regular patches and updates.
More than 4 cards for VS mode.
3 cards for single or chicken coop mode.
2 Weapon type.
12 levels for single and cooperative games and final boss.
Local Free for All - Up to 6 players for VS mode.
More Weapons
More Maps
More Characters
Ongoing Gameplay and Feature Improvements
Full Player Profile and Statistics
Novelty Items
Even More Maps
Even More Legends
Ongoing Gameplay Improvements
Local Free for All - Up to 2 players can play in free for all mode on one computer - perfect for friendly face-offs.
Local Free for All - Up to 2 players for VS mode.
Here's what you can expect from CRYEP
Regular patches and updates.
More than 4 cards for VS mode.
3 cards for single or chicken coop mode.
2 Weapon type.
12 levels for single and cooperative games and final boss.
Local Free for All - Up to 6 players for VS mode.
More Weapons
More Maps
More Characters
Ongoing Gameplay and Feature Improvements
Full Player Profile and Statistics
Novelty Items
Even More Maps
Even More Legends
Ongoing Gameplay Improvements
System requirements for PC
- OS: Windows 7 or later
- Processor: intel x86 family, 2Ghz
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: opengl 2.0 supported graphics card
- DirectX: Version 9.0
CRYEP reviews and comments
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
Early Access Review CRYEP-New Contra from the international Group on creation and promotion of computer games "IMLBE".
The Game is implemented as an action-platformer with elements of the puzzle. Events take us in the 3318 year and occur in a parallel universe. Earth is invaded by alien invaders, we have to go the hard way and save the Earth.
The Game is quite complex, in the best tradition of old and all favorite games of the series "Contra". It is not necessary to Go to the break and all enemies need a slow but confident approach. After you clear the level of enemies, will begin the second element-puzzle, in order to get to the exit in one way or another, you will need to drag the key-stone to the desired point, the path should also be considered, because if you do not, then Risk to get yourself into a deadlock, and then have to start from the beginning.
What is Contra besides hardcore? Right, this is a cooperative game with friends, this mode is also present and give you a more hilarious gameplay. The "VS" mode is Also available, where you can fight with one or more friends on different cards from the campaign.
The game is scheduled for Release on April 23, 2018 and will be released in early access. So all the developers conceived to see at once, the full release of the game will be very different, but the difference is only an abundance of content. ADD levels, bosses, weapons that will make the game more interesting and prolonged.
I Also want to highlight the graphics, visualization performed in the form, very reminiscent of a caricature, it is bold and looks very beautiful.
And Facebook, we have a very complex action-platformer, in the spirit of old favorite games on the game consoles childhood. Definitely worth the attention!
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
Early Access Review
I do nos know how many people know whas mesioidvania is, and fissly I wanna wiise a couple of woids
abous shis. Theie aie no clues abous wheie you should go and whas you need so do as mesioidvanias
games. You will have so exploie eveiyshing and siy so undeissand whas so do. All locatons aie
inseiconnecsed and you will have so iesuin so she passed places in oidei so open new consens and leain
she tps. As ceisain momenss, especially if you have a bad memoiy, is will seem shas you aie going ciayy
because of she absence of piogiess. As such momenss many people will suin so Google, I can even say
shas shis game has a veiy good own wiki. Bus I stll hope shas moss of playeis will enduie shis peiiod of
ssagnaton, because, I can guaiansy, when you fnally fnd shas exis, defeas shas boss and pass so a new
level wish a new boss shen you iealiye shas sheie aie many new mods , heioes, locatons and bosses in
she game. Moieovei, you will nos iegies abous a second of tme spens playing CRYEP, you will be flled
wish euphoiia. A litle moie abous she game: CRYEP is defnisely one of she bess platoimeis which
piimaiily impiesses wish she asmospheie and, of couise, she visual. The asmospheie is so coyy and
atiactve shas you can casch youiself shinking shas you juss wans so be a pais of shis woild, you ieally do
nos wans so les go. Game setng is veiy oiiginal and chaiming. Chaiacseis aie cuse.
The complexisy of she game is above aveiage, bus is will be veiy difculs as fiss so play she game. I wans
so nose shas she mechanics of she bosses aie made quise qualisatvely, even if you cannos defeas she
boss wishin an houi, you stll iealiye shas you aie doing someshing wiong, sheie's noshing so complain
abous. In geneial, sheie aie a laige numbei of difeiens mobs and bosses in CRYEP, anyway, you will
have enough flling
Consiols is veiy iesponsive, bus foi a full sense of gameplay, I would iecommend so use she gamepads.
As she end, I juss wans so say shanks so she devs, I do nos iemembei she lass tme I was so absoibed in
she game shas I shoughs abous CRYEP all tme long. I hope you will like CRYEP she same way as I.
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