Cube Build Jump - DEMO
A new take on a puzzle-platformer, in CBJ you switch between a 2D character and a first person character to solve puzzles that use different coloured cubes that have unique properties.
This was my Final year project for University, it may be taken further in the future but that really depends on whether I want to do so. It's been a blast making this and I hope you enjoy playing it as much.
This build features three levels:
- Tutorial Level - Get you used to the controls and how all the cube types operate.
- Early Game Level - Solve a simple puzzle involving some buttons and switching back & forth between characters.
- Sandbox - Use any cube you like, both in 2D and 3D mode in a large playspace.
LB: Switch Between Characters
Start: Pause Game
Back: Open Tutorials Menu
B: Close Menus
2D Character
Left Stick: Move Left/Right
A: Jump
X: Interact
First Person Character
Left Stick: Move Character Cycle through Cube Values
Right Stick: Rotate Camera
A: Jump
Right Bumper: Switch Hand Mode
DPAD Left/Right: Switch Cube Types (If in cube mode)
Left Trigger: Hold then release to spawn cube
Right Trigger: Delete Cube(In Delete Mode)
X: Interact