Current (itch) (ScreenSaver Games, AndrzejM, PawelKunka, Potato)

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Current is the game developed on an original engine written in C++ using OpenGL as graphics API.

Concept statement

Using only a kayak and paddle, your only goal is to transfer the freight and survive. You’ll have to run, you’ll have to hide, but most importantly you’ll have to adapt, overcome and improvise to keep yourself alive, and your cargo intact.

Core Loops

Player tries to deliver contrabanda to the destination pont. If he fails - he does not earn money. During a course, the player must face two major threats: strong current in some river sections can throw the player onto the rocks - in this situation the player can lose some packages or in the worst case completely destroy the kayak. The second threat are soldiers that can stop the player and confiscate all goods if they notice him. However if the player will be trying to escape - soldiers will open fire.

Unique Selling Points

- Kayak swimming mechanics
- Beautiful river environment
- Combination of economy and arcade genres

Player Experience and Game POV

The player impersonates a strong individual indwelling the wild terrains of their country. Main character is handy with their kayak and known for their determination in wandering the unexplored trails of the mountainous river system. Except from risking their lives in their lonely journeys they are taking care of their close ones.
Game is set in the wild areas of the main character's home country. It is a mountainous region covered with arborescent swamps, rivers and lakes. Dense north-european forests overgrow all the rest of those tracts. Only a few villages and towns disrupt its natural virginity.
Game is perfect for those who would like to feel the joy of kayaking in the pristine area and the thrill of facing extreme conditions. Moreover, players need to decide whether they should interfere with the conflict or take care of themselves.
We would like the player to feel sorry for the population oppressed by both sides of the conflict and motivated to change something. Throughout the gameplay players shall feel excitement due to being imperceptible for their opponents. However, as the contrary view of mighty mountains and trees above, accompanied by calm sound of river sets rather relaxed and focused mood in gameplay itself.
What keeps the player engaged is intense mechanics of steering the kayak and unknown consequences of their action throughout the plot of the warfare. At first the character may seem a little too harsh and grumpy, nevertheless after a few hours the player should gain some sympathy for them and eventually get engaged in leading them till the end.

Release date
ScreenSaver Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Nov 27, 2020

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