Curse of the Dead Gods reviews

This looks like it has all the pieces to end up being a top roguelite. The long term progression looks interesting. It looks like there’s a decent number of weapons and items (to soon to tell how different they are). I like the “flavour” of the loop. And while the flow hasn’t clicked yet I was liking the feel of the gameplay also. Strong first impression. 

I’ve beaten the first three introductory temples. This game rocks. I’ve gotten more used to the rhythm and I’m getting better. 

This games great. I’m liking it. 

Ive beaten the second row of the temple and I’m working on the third row. I’ve had a few good runs where I was sure I was going to win and then I just blew it. One with poor curse management. I got the final curse too soon and I stopped to 1 health befor even making it to the boss. Another I had like 2100 health and a high level purple dagger that did like 280% damage. But I fucked up the rythym of the boss fight and got smacked around and still lost. I have now unlocked what I think are the best three perks. I have the higher gear chance, the curse takes 120 and I just got the +1 Dex on no hit rooms perk. I’m set. Now I need to get the final bosses timing down.

Now for a bit of criticism, there isn’t as much variety in the builds as I thought there would be. The relics play a factor, but they don’t necessarily change the way I play and I’m often picking similar relics. There are a ton weapons, but usually I pick one up early and then level it up for the whole run. So I don’t play around with them too much. I find the later round weapon pick ups are not really worth it because then you can’t reach a high level for the final boss. I want my weapon level to be as high as possible for the final boss so I focus on maximizes one weapon and then I don’t really use the other two. Would you rather have three mid tier weapons or 1 very high level weapon? It’s seems like an easy question to me, you go with 1 great weapon. 

I finally beat the quest for invulnerability. Fuck that was hard. I ended up beating it with a relic mace leveled up to 5 and I had the bow of madness onto level 2 that I only used on the boss fights but it worked great.

I have played enough of this game. It’s been fun. I’ve enjoyed it. I lost some steam by the later stages. I wanted to beat the final levels but it was too hard and I was getting bored doing it over and over. I think I needed a bit more build variety to keep going longer. Still a great find. 

Final Score: B+