Cursed Hotel
This is your first day at your new job - managing the Cursed Hotel. You're not sure why someone would call it Cursed, but you assume it's just bad marketing.
Nobody ever told you why the previous guy left, but at your new desk, you find a letter. Curious, you open it:
Hello, new guy or gal.
I wish you good luck. You should know that the name is not the only cursed thing about this place. The walls crack roughly every 10 seconds around here! I'm not kidding.
Send your team to fix it when that happens - the customers don't like it. And when customers are not satisfied, that's bad for business. You might get fired for it.
Also find a therapist. This place can drive you nuts.
Best regards,
The previous guy.
You pause for a moment after reading. Is this a prank? Surely it isn't that bad!
Let's find out!
## Controls
- **Left mouse button** - Select an employee and send him somewhere
- **Mouse wheel** - Zoom in/out
- **Right or middle mouse button** - Pan the camera
## Software used
- **Godot** - game engine
- **Inkscape** - painting
- **LMMS** - music
- **Kakoune** - quick text edits
## Gameplay tips
- When an employee is currently fixing something, he can't move. However, you can tell him what to fix after he's finished.
- While an employee is moving towards his target, you can still tell him to go somewhere else.
- Don't forget to buy new employees when you get the chance, you will need them.