Cursed Sword (cjgibilisco)
Cursed Sword is a simple roguelike based on Krystman's game Porklike, and his YouTube tutorial Pico-8 Hero. You can also play it on the PICO-8 BBS here!
How to play- Goal: Find the stairs to get closer to the rift on Floor B12!
- Killer Sword: Your sword demands blood! Kill enemies for more ⧗, or your sword will drain your ♥ with every step!
- Combat: Enemies move when you move! Bump them to attack!
- Treasure: Bump chests and vases to see what's inside!
- Menu: Press (X) button to open a menu, (X) button to make a selection, and (O) button to go back!
- Keyboard Controls: (X) button = X, (O) button = Z/C
- Gems: The priests crafted magic gems that can be slotted into your sword. Open the inventory menu with (X) to equip them!
- Luck: Increase your luck to dodge more attacks, get better treasure, and more!
Deepest thanks to Krystian Majewski of LazyDevs academy for the use of his game Porklike as an engine for this game. Much of the code of this game was designed by him, and I thank him especially for his ingenious level procedural generator, and the binary signature technique.
Thanks to Maddog22, who conceived many of the power gems and tested the game thoroughly. Thanks, MD!
The JSON parser program was designed by tylerneylon, adapted by feneric, which tylerneylon has released into the public domain. Feneric's adaptation of it is released under the GPL v3 license.
Some enemy artwork (tiles 192-203,208-213,224-31) licensed from Oryx Design Labs, These designs are not released under this game's license, and Oryx Design Labs reserves all rights.
The rest, I suppose, was designed by me!