Cyber Sword
This is a Similtanious Turn Based game! Every time you click one of the 4 Action Buttons in the center you End the current turn and see the results! There is still feedback missing so please take the time to look over the instructions below!
Please use the fullscreen button on itch to make sure you can see the whole game!
Click one of the four Action Buttons in the middle to either launch an attack or defend yourself. Attacking and Defending can be Switched by clicking the Mode Switch Button.
Red arrows and boxes indicate that you would Lose a given exchange.
Green arrows and boxes indicate that you would Win a given exchange.
Blue arrows and boxes indicate that successfuly Defending yourself will give you a bonus to your Attack Power for the next turn.
Grey arrows indicate that while Defending you arent damaged by attacks from diagonal buttons!
Using the Same Action Button as your Opponent will Reverse the Attack arrows!
You and your Opponent will not be able to use the Same button twice in a row!
Note: There is a 5 second delay between turns to allow for future animations! There is also no win state yet. The opponents health (The health display on the right) to Zero to win!
Known bugs:
Defence Red arrows should allow damage through
High and Mid grey arrows are wrong
Enemy button sprites are disabled after the first turn
Both health bars dissapear
Possible additions:
Defence conforming to reverse
Enemy will always attack if empowered
Enemy will be more aggressive