"Cyberpop '97" is the world's premier story-driven cyberpunk-themed puzzle platformer running at a resolution of 4032 square pixels.
Make sure you read the Readme! Especially the bit about keyboard controls. It's important.
This game takes place in the FUTURISTIC YEAR of 1997. Responding to a call for aid from your hacker friends, you journey to the distant city of METROPOLE - once a shining chrome paradise, now under the iron heel of corporate rule. Their brutal law is enforced by military robots. Capital rules here, and human life is worth nothing. Can you find a way to disable the central security AI and free the people?
The RTTTL remix of the first part of the song 'Barbie Girl' is used as social comment and was not created or approved by the makers of the song.
Version 1.0.1 (the one entered into the Game Jam) fixes a strange glitch where projectiles could trigger buttons, and contains some quality-of-life improvements relating to camera movement speed.