Dance Generator
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What shapes can you throw? Powder Keg have created a dance routine generator for YFOS 2020 that launches on Sat 1st August. Come back to this page then to access it.
This is an invitation to help contribute to a collage of movers, shakers, wigglers and boppers all doing their thing on YFOS’s digital dance floor to create a collective dance, edited together by Powder Keg.
How do I get involved?Log on to the Line Dancing in Clitheroe: Dance Generator here from 1st August. You’ll be asked a series of questions. Depending on how you respond you’ll receive a unique dance routine, just for you. We want you to film your routine and send it to: [email protected]
On the last day of YFOS, we’ll do a world premier of the new dance that will be released on our facebook page. This will feature you, all of you who have sent us clips of your dancing.
This is something fun we can all do together at a time when we have to be apart. Line Dancing in Clitheroe: Dance Generator is about connecting the way our bodies move with the stories of how we first started to define ourselves. For many of us, sharing dance routines informed us who we were friends with and how we connected with our gender, our sexuality, our culture, our history. This is an attempt to capture that.
So come on down. Leave your coats in the cloakroom. Let’s dance together.