Dancing Line Remake V3.0

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Dancing Line is a music game. Players should control the moving direction of the cube by following the rhythm of the music.
Preventing the cube from deviating from the correct path.

The path of each map is generated based on the given music by programs. Players can design customized maps by providing source music files and rhythm data of that music (the occur time of each rhythm in seconds). Programs will load these data

and generate map paths automatically.

So far, there is only one map (the "Winter" map) available in the current version. I am still working on the algorithm that
allow programs to detect music rhythm and generate rhythm data automatically so that it will be more convenient for players

to customize maps as they only need to provide source music to create new maps.

The terrain in each map is generated by programs as well. The whole terrain grid is made from hexagon cells that are divided into several chunks. The elevation of hexagon cells and cell chunks, and the distribution of features on terrain are randomly determined by preset strategies. Since I use a single mesh to generate the whole terrain, players might suffer high

latency when playing games. Optimization is in progress so far and the optimized version will be released in the next few versions.

Gameplay Instructions

This game should be played under Windows 7, 8, 10, or higher system versions.

Double Click "Dancing Line.exe" to start the game. For gameplay instructions, please open the "Help" panel in the game.

This game provides a way to create customized maps as well. For more details, please also refer to the instructions in the "Help" panel.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Dancing Line Remake V3.0 screenshot, image №3111523 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Nov 15, 2021

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