Dangerous bounces
- The color of the teleportation portals does not always indicate where they lead, so you will need to understand how they work before your opponent in order to take advantage.
- Each teleportation portal is the finish point of another (or several others) but is not always the starting point for the latter: If A leads to B, B doesn't lead always to A.
- This game is made with the GODOT Game engine.
When I started this project, I didn't think to share it. I just wanted to try to make a game close to one I played when I was younger (Tank Trouble). My goal was to learn how to develop games. But finally my game is very different (even if the base is the same). I'm sharing it because I'd like many people to have fun with it.
System requirements for Linux
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Jun 27, 2022
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