Dark Adventure (Rebecca Kerr)
This mini-project was made to try out Unity 2D RPGs for the first time. As someone who has only ever worked in Unity 3D and Unity 2D for visual novels, it was def a learning experience.
There's not really much in regards to level design. That's for the next project ;)
What is interactable in the scene:
- Two hidden grabby monsters that appear when you touch them, and take a life.
- One spider who just wants to be your friend.
- Dialogue interaction with the Artwork.
- Two keys that will help you leave the room.
- An extra life that you can pick up.
What I learned (and first time) in this project:
- Sprite layering.
- Sprite animations.
- WebGL.
- 2D Movement.
- 2D Interactions.
- 2D Colliders.
- Post Processing (vignette).
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Jan 22, 2021
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