Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
It was an Ancient, born ten years later than it should have been. Even Old French quests about Dracula of 2002 year of release already could combine the drawn flat kinds and free rotation of a head, here it is offered to click to lift a head and to look on ten centimeters above. And hell with it, but a) to do it constantly, as the author loves to stick the right items in the most uncomfortable places, b) It is made supernatural slowly, as if the hero moves on a wheelchair, and his head on the gears, and old and Rusty. Running around the hotel for constantly breaking scissors turned into a difficult test-click, wait, click, wait, click, wait, Pull, wait, click, wait, turn on the light, click, wait. The scaling engine also can not, the game takes place in a small window in the middle of the screen. Puzzles, in principle, normal-explore, memorize, record. Even pixel-hunting is not particularly annoying-the active zones are simply huge and just enough to spend a couple of times with the mouse on the screen. Everything spoils only the passion of the author to collect scattered rubbish-fuses, rings, pages, especially distinguished, bones, which is unknown how much, and glass eyes, which appear in the already viewed places-nothing but the desire To tighten the passage, it is impossible to explain. The Story is also Fiffty-fifti. The Stories of the ghosts trapped in the hotel-interesting, and the main story of some addict, the Inspector is not surprised that the missing five years ago, the girl has not changed and through her visible objects, and continues to Bubkey to her "Come home, your mother is looking for you, Everything will be fine. " Voice acting, by the way, disgusting. Even the whole game will spam us with SMS-kami unknown, whose personality by the manner of the letter is obvious already at the first message-it would also be nothing scary, but the SMS comes and appears too long, when come two in a row, want this mobile phone to hell throw. The Description of the world first successfully goes through newspaper clippings-but in the middle of the game the author was tired of drawing them. The plot Ends, of course, nothing-not only that half have to think, so also one of the endings is crossed out all that happens. Of course, I know that the explanation kills fear, only here as if not horrors, it would be possible and make ends meet. But The game is atmospheric, perfectly conveys the spirit of the abandoned and looted hotel. In skimers does not roll, except for sharp sipings, Vхlikov and Skharkihiv under the ear-already plus in an epoch of infinite slanders.