Dark Forest (itch) (Bee)
A 3D Action-Adventure Game with five different biomes, including many RPG features such as combats with different enemies with basic techniques of AI, superpowers, missions and puzzles.
This game was created during the 4th semester of my bachelor's degree. The project took approximately 1 month to be developed.
The main character is a werewolf that was also made by me in Blender, who must fight against spread diseases all over the world.
You must reach the centre of the spreading diseases in the Dark Forest. However, to get there you need to explore all the different environments (Cave, Jungle, Desert, Snow and the Dark Forest).
In addition, while you are on your adventure you need to collect amulets that give you strength and resistance. Each creature symbolizes a different disease:
• Mummies are Insecurities (Cave);
• Lizards are OCD (Jungle);
• Trolls are Alzheimer (Desert);
• The giant snake is Bipolarity (Snow);
• Giant Oak Trees are Depression (Dark Forest).
Controls CreditsProgrammer/ Level Designer/ Character Designer - Beatriz Sá [https://barrythecoolbee.itch.io/]
Sound - https://www.zapsplat.com/
3D Assets - Unity Asset Store