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Project Done by:

Jordan @nowitsrovan in twitter as Programmer, & Modelator.

 Aina @aina96_sa in twitter as Modelator & Animator.

Sergio @SirSerku in twitter  as Game Designer & Artist

Javi @javi._.go in Instagram as Programmer & Rigger


Una noche oscura del 1991, reinaba un silencio, un silencio que se comía cualquier intento de ruido, no habia nada ni nadie, un silencio que presionaba el ambiente..
Alli te despertaste tú, en medio del silencio, estabas confuso y no veias nada con claridad, habia una niebla que no te permitia ver más alla de diez pies, divisaste una luz y cogiste la linterna y observaste un poco más el terreno y diste con una pistola, intentaste salir por todos lados asustado mientras esuchabas el latido de tu corazon acelerarse por un inquietante silencio que estaba empezando a dominarte.
Desesperado te aferras a la idea de que no podrás salir de ahí, estas atrapado, un circulo de arboles una linterna y una pistola. Tragaste saliva pensando en la unica solucion viable en ese momento, cogiste la pistola pero en el momento de apuntarte viste una suave luz rosa, parecia que te llamará, el silencio se rompio y empezaron a sonar los arboles, el movimiento de las hojas retumbaba desde lejos, los pajarons y ratas del sitio gritaban como tratando de advertirte, pero mirabas alrededor, todo se habia parado y la niebla se habia vuelto mas densa, mirabas al horizonte esperando algo y viste que habia un pajaro congelado en el aire.
Todo se acabó, y aqui es dónde tu historia empieza


One dark night of 1991, there was a silence, a silence that ate any attempt at noise, there was nothing and nobody, a silence that pressed the atmosphere ..

There you woke up, in the middle of the silence, you were confused and you did not see anything clearly, there was a fog that did not allow you to see beyond ten feet, you saw a light and you took the flashlight and you looked a little more at the terrain and you saw A gun, you tried to go out scared everywhere while you listened to the beat of your heart accelerated by a disturbing silence that was beginning to dominate you.

Desperate you cling to the idea that you can not get out of there, you're stuck, a circle of trees, a flashlight and a gun. Swallowed saliva thinking about the only viable solution at that time, you took the gun but at the time of pointing you saw a soft pink light, it seemed to call you, the silence broke and the trees began to sound, the movement of the leaves rumbled from Far away, the birds and rats of the place shouted as if trying to warn you, but you looked around, everything had stopped and the fog had become more dense, you looked at the horizon waiting for something and you saw that there was a bird frozen in the air.

It's over, and this is where your story begins

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Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Jun 3, 2019

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