Data Controll
You are a IT employee for a company who had the idea to cut costs on their storage solution, choosing to buy Hard Drives that don't include a Storage Management System to manage the Read and Write requests. You are in charge of processing these requests manually, try to keep up with the read and write queue before the system holds too long and the user tries to reboot the machine.
Use the keyboard to move the read/write arm and left/right mouse to write/read the value underneath the head. Written data stays for a certain amount of time, at least one rotation, before being marked as deleted. A deleted block will turn dark and will be able to be rewritten again.
A & DMove the read/write head left/right
LeftMouseWrite a value under the read/write head
RightMouseRead the value of the block under the read/write head
1, 2, 3
Select which color to write.
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Aug 15, 2022
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