Data Mutations

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data mutations is a conglomerate of interactive projects conceived during a two stage process held by individuals in Berlin and elsewhere.
data mutations is an exercise on expression out of a collectively raised
g e n o m i c s l u s h — a collection of data that can be transmuted and re-arranged with ease

a renunciation of the hyper-individualization
data mutation is open source art/the open source artist
we embrace the genepool
we mutate each other
until we find a better solution


data mutations is a collective and open source project conducted by individuals working with interactive software/videogame engines (based in berlin, st petersburg, moscow and elsewhere). in a first stage various assets were produced (audio, textures, 3d objects, shader code, long/short form text) that served as a “gene pool” of usable modules and building blocks. In a second stage the participants created nine individual projects (expressions or “phenotypes”) using the same assets.

the question this project seeks to inquire is: which kinds of experimental interactive systems are possible in the framework of commercial game engine if the pressure of time consuming, skill-heavy asset creation is circumvented by the creation of a collective gene pool? in this sense the focus shifts from specialist and meticulously pipelined craftsmanship as the prevalent mode of creation of commercial videogames to a potential opening for the exploration of concepts, personal readings of source material and new forms of collectivized artistic labour.

as a framework for art creation the 3d videogame engine poses a unique platform in the sense that it is able to deal with and requires a variety of used objects stored in different file formats. it sings to .mp3, .fbx, .shader, .txt and .png. it is fundamentally trans- or hyper-software, a mediator providing an ever shifting and reactive real-time-rendered connective tissue between those objects.

furthermore the project encourages further mutation of the gene pool as an exercise in collective expression. the full bundle of used assets is released under CCO license and can be downloaded on the data mutations website.


By Fedya Balashov, Matias Brunacci, Troy Duguid, Gabriel Helfenstein, Yulija Kozhemyako, Chloê Langford, Merle Leufgen, Tristan Neu, Jessica Palmer

Featuring additional assets from Jack A Perkins, The Nomi, Mike Straeubig

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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

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Last Modified: Mar 27, 2019

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