De Fobos y Deimos

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Jokin es un chico que ha empezado a estudiar en la Academia de Defensores, una prestigiosa institución nacida con el objetivo de formar a estudiantes capaces de proteger a las personas de a pie de las injusticias que asolan la tierra. Sin embargo, en su primer día de clase, Jokin se convertirá en la víctima de una gran injusticia, la lgtb+fobia. A medida que Jokin aprenda cosas sobre sí mismo y se relacione con otras personas como él, descubrirá el verdadero significado de ser un defensor y luchará contra el miedo y el odio que hacen que personas del colectivo LGTB+ sean discriminadas día a día.

De Fobos y Deimos es el primer RPG que trabaja la lgtb+fobia y la diversifobia. Al ponerte en la piel de Jokin, podrás sentir en tus carnes lo que muchas personas sienten cada día cuando salen a la calle, cuando se relacionan en el trabajo… porque la lgtb+fobia y la diversifobia intenta destruir nuestro mayor tesoro, la diversidad.

-Métete en la piel de Jokin y toma tus propias decisiones. Jokin siempre será Jokin pero tú puedes hacer que su destino cambie. ¿Encontrará el amor? ¿Conseguirá que le escuchen?

-Adéntrate por lugares tan preciosos como peligrosos: paisajes helados, mansiones, mazmorras, bosques encantados…

-Lucha contra hordas de enemigos/as que se interpondrán en tu camino. Utiliza las habilidades de cada personaje para salir victorioso/a y encuentra tu estrategia.

-Conoce el entorno social que te rodea y haz amigos/as que compartan tu misma situación. Más de 6 personajes jugables se unirán a Jokin durante su gesta,
cada uno/a con personalidades y habilidades diferentes.

-Resuelve multitud de puzles que pondrán a prueba diferentes habilidades.

-Diferentes finales, diálogos exclusivos… una partida tal vez no sea suficiente para descubrir todo lo que “De Fobos y Deimos” puede ofrecerte.

De Fobos y Deimos cuenta con la colaboración de Gehitu, Cogam Educación, Associació Catalana D'Asexuals, Arnastu y
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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo equivalente o mayor
  • Memory: 250 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Cualquier tarjeta que soporte OpenGL
  • Storage: 720 MB available space
  • Sound Card: -
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Last Modified: Jan 22, 2023

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De Fobos y Deimos reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Past Of Phobos and Deimos. Very Well the technical section: it Is Worth doing a game with RPG Maker makes things easier, but still can make mistakes... And in this case I have not found any. Something that has a lot of merit considering that it is the first game of @Alex_redmiau. It is Worth sacrificing our time to try it, especially since it is free and in two evenings you spend it. But the strong section of this game is the story and the message against bullying Queerfóbico. I Could delve more into this, but I do not want to make spoilers and I prefer that you discover yourselves...
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Very cute Game that rescues some classic elements of the RPG and above all tells a nice story. The most attractive point of the gameplay is the time to make decisions. The Way you respond to the NPCs will alter the story, your relationship with them and even your personality. That not only gives you a sense of being able to control the course of history, it also provides you with replay factor. The story, well, is very well, basically highlights an extremely important point: even to the places that are supposed to have more prestige continue to be quite intoxicated by the intolerance to diversity and homophobia/transphobia. All the characters in the game go through personal conflicts, only that each one has different problems. The game is focused on the aspect of the visibility LGBT, but also gives us a very friendly environment, the game is developed almost everything in a kind of "School of Paladins" (Here they call defenders) all teachers and several students charge their respective Importance and you have to know how to deal with all the characters and whether or not to trust them. The only point I do not like is the little real deepening that is done to the archetype of the bully. An interesting exercise would be to explore the motives of the aggressor's hatred, very thoroughly, to be aware of the ways in which the bullies clouded can be helped to understand the consequences of their actions. Although I know it's a game and you have to get some more artificial pretext for that hatred. Some Palabritas that are only used in Spain, which make it difficult at times to understand Hispanic Americans, can be avoided, but it is a minor thing. Anyway. Very Nice and recommendable. If there is a project to translate this game into English, I'm in, I told a developer. Pd. How Many references to other video games, books and movies can be found in the Academy library? The detail was fascinating < 3
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