Deal With the Devil
Use your ill gotten candy to bargain for a chance to save your soul. Last player left wins.
Rules4 players only.
Take turns (you will know which characters turn by the spotlight and this icon) wagering candy for one of four dice per round.
The Dice
VVVV vvvvvVVVVvvvvvVVVVvvvvvVVVVvvvvvVVVVvvvvvVVVVvvvvvVVVV
Each dice has a max value of the number printed on it. When all dice have been bought (and you NEED to buy one) you will roll that dice and see how much life you lose.
If you drop past a candy ribbon, you gain that meny candies. Use them wisly.
ControlsEnter = start and restart the game
Z = Offer Candy
X = Confirm and move onto the next player
CreditsCreated by Kyle Fenn and Rocco Commisso
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019
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