Average Playtime: 1 hour

Dear Esther: Landmark Edition

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One of the earliest "walking simulators" made by the same team that developed Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture, Dear Esther is an art piece rather than a regular game. There's very little interactivity and zero action; you just walk around a rocky Scottish island in autumn. The major events of the plot are set in the past, and we only learn about them through the voice of the unseen narrator - the only voice in the game – who will read a certain letter from his past when he approaches a certain place. The letters slowly unfurl the mystery around him as you visit various locations on an island: the lighthouse, the cave, and others. The world of Dear Esther is far from open, and you can only follow the restricted pathways. To unlock all the achievements and find every audio clip, however, may require several walkthroughs.

The Landmark Edition is based on the Unity 5 engine and contains better graphics, minor interface improvements and a system of achievements. It also includes the creators’ commentaries that provide additional insight into their narrative intentions.

Release date
The Chinese Room
Robert Briscoe
The Chinese Room
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 (2 * 2400), AMD Athlon X2 4200+ (2 * 2200) or equivalent
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 7600GT (256 MB), AMD Radeon X1600 XT (256 MB)
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 (2 * 2660), AMD A8-3850 (4 * 2900) or equivalent
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti (1024 MB), AMD Radeon HD7770 (1024 MB)
  • Storage: 2 GB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: 10.7.5 - 10.12.1
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (2 * 2260) or equivalent
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400 (256 MB)
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • OS: 10.7.5 - 10.12.1
  • Processor: Intel i5-3470S (4 * 2900) or equivalent
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M (1024 MB), Intel HD Graphics 4000 (1024 MB)
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
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Last Modified: Mar 16, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store

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Dear Esther: Landmark Edition - Launch Trailer | PS4
Sep 20, 2016
Обзор игры Dear Esther
Mar 5, 2012
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition - Full Game Walkthrough Gameplay & Ending (No Commentary Playthrough)
Feb 19, 2017
GUTE NACHT: DEAR ESTHER #01 - Eine verlassene Insel? ● Let's Play Dear Esther
Aug 15, 2015
DAS KOMPLETTE SPIEL! | Let's Play Dear Esther - Landmark Edition (Deutsch/German)
Sep 16, 2017
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition - Trailer
Feb 22, 2017
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Mullach an Eilein
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Uncover 4 urns
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Man of the Rocks
Walk 5000 steps
Finish Chapter 'The Beacon'
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Dear Esther: Landmark Edition reviews and comments

This was the game that so many people got so excited and subsequently upset about? I guess these narrative games hadn't had the time to figure themselves out yet.
Too Damn Slow  and i can't find the path at all . The poetry was not getting to me and the graphics is old.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Review of Dear Esther: Landmark Edition Now, to my Shame, I must confess that Dear Esther Passed me by for years. All right, not really passed by, I've had Knowledge of this Game for Years. But since I didn't buy pure download titles at the time (I still prefer Retail Versions), I just didn't care. Now I have played some Walking Simulators since 2016, then it was slowly time that I included the Game, which founded this Genre almost in my Collection. Recently the somewhat revised Landmark Edition has been released and then I finally struck. Walking Simulators continue to divorce spirits. There seem to be only those who really hate these Games (and don't classify them as Games) and the Players who love such an Experience and soak up almost. I definitely belong to the second Genus. For me to enjoy It, I definitely don't need a Challenge. Games that tell me a great Story or just a worthy Experience, I accept with open Arms. So If you can't do anything with Walking Simulators, You can forget about Esther directly. Even more so than younger Games of this Genus. Because there is virtually no Challenge in these, but still there is something to Click on here and there. That's just not the Case with Dear Esther: You can really only walk, nothing else-not even Sprinting goes. This is likely to disturb some hectic Contemporaries, but it fits perfectly with the Pace of the Game that you just can't run. Oh yes: You can still zoom in-I don't want to suprupt the Function now. ;) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=875548351 You have to be aware that Dear Esther Is extremely short! After a maximum of two Hours, even the slowest Player is likely to have arrived at the End of the Game-I've also heard from People who make it in an Hour. But you should take a little more Time for the Experience. It took me almost two Hours and then played Esther again with the comments of the Developers. I don't usually do anything like that, but here I can really recommend it. As you might expect, the Game sometimes makes you grope quite in the Dark even after a Pass. Much of the Story emerges in the Mind and there is plenty of Room for Interpretation here. There are many different Allusions in the Game, some of which are different when You continue to play through (e.g. any Objects, pictures exchanged by completely different ones, or other Comments, etc ...). And if you listen to the comments of the Developers, you learn a lot about some Backgrounds and get a lot Of Food for thought from them, which you have not noticed or found yourself. It's really just Little Things that can be different in the World. But these can give the whole Story a completely different Tinge. So Dear Esther Builds on worrying about the Game-and grade that Makes up much of his Fascination. For the Developer Comments, it actually took me almost twice as long as for the normal Game (there are over 50 Comments (Symbols) distributed in the Game world-largely along the Way, but sometimes also a bit off). 10-20% of the Content I didn't feel so exciting now, the Rest was really great! It's also quite interesting to learn all the Motivations why one or the other Was made at this Point. It gives the Impression that the Developers had really planned every little Detail accurately. So They're worth it-as is the whole Game (if you're willing to get into it). Esther is really a very special Pearl of Game and I'm really very happy to have played this Game at last. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=875548580 Atmospheric, it's an absolute Board. The ingenious Use of the in-depth and quiet music, the great (English) Speaker (there are German Subtitles) underscore the graphic Presentation beautifully. Esther looks great, but of course no AAA production is comparable (but neither does an Ethan Carter From the same Genre). Still, it looks great-just moving. In my Opinion, photos absolutely do not do justice to the Game, the Movements in the Wind, here and there a little Fog and Partly the Lighting and Colouring-great! I could not http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=875548484 Technical Problems. But all right, the Game has been on the Market for some Time. There's definitely a thick Thumbs up from me! My Rating: Graphic: 7/10 Sound: 10/10 Circumference: 2/10 Atmosphere: 10/10 gameplay: 88%
It is not a game in the traditional sense. It is a digital adventure with fragmented narration on varied deep topics. I certainly enjoyed Dear Esther and I will play it many times in the future, just to get an understanding of a bigger picture. Since the story is the main part of the game, I have to say that the ending is very intense and you won’t be disappointed and will leave you with food for thought. This is the kind of game that will keep you up at night thinking about actions and effects.
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