Death Ball (bennystarfighter)
A simple local-multiplayer game best played on a couch with friends! You can play with keyboard or a gamepad but a gamepad is strongly adviced!
1. Gather at least one friend to play with.
2. Each player joins by pressing space / start
3. When at least 2 players are ready you are dropped into the arena.
4. Use WASD / Left stick to control movement. Use Arrows / Right stick to controll ability aim. Press Space / Right trigger to activate your impulse ability.
5. Each player has acess to basic movement and an impulse ability, this ability gives the player an instant boost of velocity in the currently aimed direction.
You can only use this ability when you have energy for it. When you have enough energy there will appear a glowing circle around the player.
When the ability is used the player has to wait a short duration until that player's energy has replenished.
6. Have fun and make sure to betray you friends!