Debris (itch) (Shinnya)
Captain the S.S. Debris, once a flagship of the 'Driz'uiks' star fleet powered at its core by a neutron star. After a space conflict with the 'Ocai', the S.S. Debris suffered huge structural damage, leaving parts of the ship scattered across the battlefield. Repair and re-construct the ship back to its former glory, while fighting of scavengers trying to steal your space parts.
W - Activate thrusters
A/D - Turn
Space - Shoot cannons
Ship Parts:
Core - The ships power source and control center
Thruster - Increases speed and acceleration of the ship
Hull - Durable piece that can take a lot of damage before breaking
Blaster - Shoot lazers.
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Feb 3, 2020
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