Spend your funds in upgrades, new turrets or more team members. Protect your HQ for 20 turns agains waves of game crashing bugs!
-This version has 10 levels and some tutorial hints in the menu.
Controls :
-Mouse for moving
-LeftClick for matching gems, moving turrets and buying upgrades.
-right click to cancel actions / Cycle through the deployer turret.
-mousewheel to cycle through the deployer turret.
-Esc for quiting the game
-F1 for a quick game-restart
(I did test 80% of the levels and i beat them. so they all should be beatable)
Art was the most easy aspect to do, then music, and then the CODE. in a lapse of 3 days.
(Game has no Sound effects, just music.)
Software :
Game Maker Studio 2 Desktop
Microsoft Paint -kinda free
Rytmik Studio
Linux Multy Media Studio -free
Audacity -free
Last Updates :
-Added Elites and Legenday tiers of bug-monsters
-Added a new enemy "Crashes". They appear in the last turns
-adjusted prices
Today 20nov : A bit more balance in favor of monsters
(game has a LOT of space for improvement... )
MAde for Game Maker "20" birthday jam - By Undare