Deep Blue (itch) (Moonstone)
This game was created for ludam dare 48 by Moonstone Studios and Breadcrumb.
You play as a little guy in a submarine that has to collect things before he gets crushed by the water pressure.
We have only tested this on windows, but it should work for Linux and mac. It may or may not.
W, A, S, D, Left arrow, Right arrow, Up arrow, down arrow to move
Escape to pause.
The goal of the game is to collect as many items as possible without going over the pressure limit!
To get your pressure down, you have to go all the way to where you spawned. The pressure will go up after the lower you go.
Dev notes:
I tried to add a collectible system and other stuff but we ran out of time. There are also some bugs so please bear with me.
- added a missing license.