Earth in the year 2058. A rampant alien invasion is threatening humanity's survival. Our regular troops are overwhelmed. Humanity's only hope is a group of elite soldiers who, under the code name "DEFCON: Xenos", form the last weapon against the Xeno threat. Your mission is simple: Repel the Alien invasion.
Defend yourself against an onslaught of monstrous aliens in a variety of cities and landscapes of our beloved home: Earth. Combine equipment from your powerful arsenal or weapons, modules, and upgrades in order to face stronger and smarter aliens that provide an ever growing challenge.
- Auto firing bullet hell action
- Dozens of playable agents to unlock with more to come.
- Customize your agent with an ever growing arsenal of Weapons, Modules and Ultimate Abilities
- Fast paced runs (under 20 minutes)
- Improve agents by upgrading your skills
- Fight Xenos all around the world in levels that resemble real world locations
- Choose between different modes to increase the difficulty and your rewards
Carve your way through hordes of Aliens with your powerful arsenal
Use your Ultimate Ability to annihilate fast numbers of Xenos
Try different combinations of Agents, Skills, Ultimate Abilities and Upgrades
DEFCON: Xenos is in Early Access therefore the contents and features of the game will be expanded upon. If you want to find out more check out our Roadmap.
Defend yourself against an onslaught of monstrous aliens in a variety of cities and landscapes of our beloved home: Earth. Combine equipment from your powerful arsenal or weapons, modules, and upgrades in order to face stronger and smarter aliens that provide an ever growing challenge.
- Auto firing bullet hell action
- Dozens of playable agents to unlock with more to come.
- Customize your agent with an ever growing arsenal of Weapons, Modules and Ultimate Abilities
- Fast paced runs (under 20 minutes)
- Improve agents by upgrading your skills
- Fight Xenos all around the world in levels that resemble real world locations
- Choose between different modes to increase the difficulty and your rewards
Carve your way through hordes of Aliens with your powerful arsenal
Use your Ultimate Ability to annihilate fast numbers of Xenos
Try different combinations of Agents, Skills, Ultimate Abilities and Upgrades
DEFCON: Xenos is in Early Access therefore the contents and features of the game will be expanded upon. If you want to find out more check out our Roadmap.
System requirements for PC
- OS: Windows 7 +
- Processor: 2.5Ghz +
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Storage: 1 GB available space