Delivery Boi (Ludumdare 42)
Made for Ludumdare 42
Theme Running out of space
Engine: Godot
Art: Aseprite
Sound: Audacity, BFXR
Music: Bosca Ceoil
Had a hard time with this theme initially, but i kept moving on and came up with this game.
The theme fits in with the storage mechanic of the game.
You have to keep deliverying packages or else new deliverys will overflow your storage and you will get fired.
The best browser to work with the game in my experience is FireFox
-How To Play
WASD or ARROR KEYS to move character
SPACE to pick up package at pick up
SPACE to then drop package
Avoid cars and other things, you only get 3 lives
when you get a package drop it off at the target bay to get a score if you drop it on the ground, or not on the target bay you get a failed score
check your tracker900 in the bottom right corner
deliverys come every 45 seconds to drop off a random amount of packages
when you pick up a package, you will see the target bay show in the upper left area
success - number of successfull deliverys
failed - number of failed deliverys
storage - try to keep this below 30
-win condition:
deliver as many packages as you can
-lose conditions:
you lose 3 lives
you fail 20 times
you run out of space in your storage, which is more then 30