Demo - The Unintended Architect

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Made with RPG Maker MV, The Unintended Architect will take you through a journey, a journey from building up a small village to retaking a city and more

But for now, you're stuck in the small village.

Demo update: 2016-12-04
You can now use the keyboard to type in player and village names!

Dig spots in the mine reset when leaving the mine.

Modified Yanfly's core engine plugin to start the game in full-screen and using the max resolution. You'll see some black bars on the top and bottom of the screen, I'll fix this when I learn how to.

Added a side quest for the blacksmith and added some free equipment for the vendor.

Added a side quest for the bartender, but it cannot be completed yet, as it will require the next area.

Release date
Scott Bloom
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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Demo - The Unintended Architect reviews and comments

There are a lot of things going for this game for sure, and a few going against it. The best part of the game is the economy-based RPG idea. While it definitely, doesn't live up to its true potential, it feels awesome to go on quests so that the blacksmith can make better items. The story is alright, and the RPG Maker battle mechanics are solid. Where the game really lacks is the mining mechanic. For something that is so heavily depended on in the game, its just honestly BORING and a drag. Hopefully in the final product this will be more engaging
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