I couldn't make a tutorial into the game so please read the following:
HOW TO PLAY: Controls:WSAD - Movement
SPACE - Action
Gameplay:The goal of the game is to keep the ever accelerating train on track. To do so you will need to harvest commodities (rocks and wood) to craft tracks.
You will need an Axe to harvest wood and a Pickaxe to harvest rocks.
Approach a tool (axe or pickaxe) and press SPACE to pick it up when it's highlighted.
Stay close to a tree or a rock to harvest it.
When commodity is harvested you can pick it up just like a tool. But you will need to drop a tool first. In order to do it just press SPACE in any empty space on the map.
Put a harvested rock on a piece of harvested wood (or wise versa) to craft a pile of railroad tracks. Each pile contains 3 pieces of tracks.
Pick up a pile of track and put a piece from it in front of the track to continue it.
Also you will get a pre-crafted pile of tracks in the beginning of the game.
Try to prevent the train from crushing as long as possible.
InspirationThis game is a loose demake of a great game UnRailed! by Indoor Astronaut
Made with:Haxe + Heaps