Destroy the boat + Interactive Water
I N T E R A C T I V E — W A T E R
> Try rocking the boat REALLY hard
> Space bar to switch modes
> Try slamming the water at DIFFERENT speeds with your mouse (drag mode)
> Click to make wave (click mode)
> Music is Koto by Evan (see link below)
> Robert Hooke for his ingenious Hooke's Law (see link below)
> Font is Rounds Black Font (see link below)
E X P L A N A T I O N:
> The water is made up of many trapezoids, which are about 5 pixels wide. Those trapezoids are made up of 2 triangles
> The trapezoids' height is determined by "springs"
> The springs' height is determined by its distance to water level and the height of the springs around it. The spring will naturally try to return to the height of the water level (in this case 0)