Destroyer (itch) (stefanomusilli)
WASD: move
UO: shoot left/right
JL: move left or right
I: jump
K: (on player spaceship) HOLD to repair, (on enemy spaceship) PRESS to attach explosive
The objective of the game is to destroy 10 of the enemy rectangle ships. In order to do so, the player character has to jump on them and attach an explosive. The player spaceship's projectiles can damage all other types of enemy ships, but will only temporarily stun the rectangle ships, making them unable to shoot for a few seconds.
When the player spaceship is hit by a projectile, it will be unable to shoot until the player character repairs it. When the player character is hit they lose hp. The game will end if the player character dies.
(I know the controls might be weird. I tried to make a control scheme where you control two characters at the same time, and a WASD/IJKL configuration seemed to be the best way I could do it on keyboard)
Created for the Nokia Game Jam 3.
I used sounds created by GameSupplyGuy, released for free on