Detective Wolf
You are a Detective with a dark secret living in a small town. Under a full moon you transform into a wolf with an appetite for flesh. The townsfolk are aware that some unseen monster haunts their town and actively search for it at night.
When transformed into a wolf, your hunger must be sated, but what remains of your humanity dictates you only hunt those that are guilty of the most terrible crime. Murder.
WASD movement.
During the day you can investigate crime by speaking to people in the town. [E] key to ask about their alibi and [E] again to question them about the crime.
When you've questioned everyone and are confident you know who the killer is, hold [SPACE] to wait until night time to serve justice.
During the night [E] allows you to smell people and [SPACE] is how you kill them.
Be careful not to get spotted by any innocent townsfolk.
IMPORTANT: At night you will only be able to tell people apart by their smell. Use the information in their alibi to learn what a person will smell like.