Detector System Prototype
We wanted to create a detection/guidence system with this hypothetis in mind: "We want to make a detection/guiding system by using things other than clear instructions like text, arrows or any usual guidance. Instead we will use things like sound, rumble and light. We believe it could give the game a more sensational aesthetic instead of clearly telling the player by prompts."
This prototype showcases what we made, a system that can guide the player using things such as sound, visual cues and rumble. We feel like we came pretty close but that it would be even better in the context of an actual game to fully show what it can be used for.
We made this!This prototyped system is a student project made for the Advanced Game Design course at Futuregames Higher Vocational Educations in Stockholm, Sweden. It was made November 2020 using Unreal Engine 4 during 2 weeks. Created by Mattias "Mau" Lundell, Theo Tolstoy and Artur Ärlig.