Deux Vistas
Controlling 1 player at a time is hard enough? It's time to control more than one at the same time.
Use WASD to move the player left/right/up/down and Q/E to move the player closer to the camera or further from the camera. You can interact with items like walls/spikes/collectibles of the same layer as a player character.
You start a level by queuing up actions using the WASD/QE buttons, and then press the Play/Simulate button to play the level. If you have collected all the coins in the level, you will move on to the next level. Else? Level RESET. Negative scoring as well. So strategize well, before you start the simulation. You can stop the simulation manually as well, but you still lose the points ;)
Don't die. That ends the game.
Don't reset. That decreases your score.
PSA: Has a few bugs ;)