This is my submission for the Scratch Game Jam 2019. This current version is very rushed, so I do plan to update this! Anyways, this game lets you 'make & debug a game' (I'm using that term very lightly, so don't judge meh :' ) ). All coding, art & sound done by me.
This game has 2 modes. Classic gives you infinite time. Jam only gives you 7 in-game days.
You will point in the direction of your mouse. Click & hold to move. Press Space to shoot your Dev-Gun. You can press the Up-Arrow to switch between 2 modes: 'Dev mode' and 'Debug mode'. If you are in Dev mode, the screen will be tinted green to indicate that. Likewise, Debug mode will tint the screen red. In Dev mode, just mash your keyboard to 'code'. The more you 'code', the more points you get. However, you cannot code while moving. In this mode, you are more vulnerable, as you are unable to patch bugs. However, bugs will still take damage by touching your Dev-Gun.
Debug Mode lets you patch the bugs. You can also shoot in this mode (hooray!). You will be unable to 'code' in this mode.
List of bugs:
Bug A \/\/\/\/ Shape: ~Square- Colo(u)r: (Lime) Green- Speed: Slow- Rarity: 1/10- Special features: None- Health: 1/10. These guys aren't much on their own, but they accumulate quickly. Try to get rid of them when there are more than ~3 of them onscreen, but patch bigger bugs before these ones.
Bug .64 \/\/\/\/ Shape: ~Rectangular-ish- Colo(u)r: Starts as purple but gradually changes to green the more it gets patched- Speed: Moderate- Rarity: 3.5/10- Special features: Instead of constantly taking small steps, Bug .64 will charge up a bit, then take a bigger step- Health: 5/10. These can be a pain. Try not to get cornered. They're more effective when there are more bugs around as well.
Bug Ñ \/\/\/\/ Shape: ~Square- Colo(u)r: Dark green- Speed: Fast- Rarity: 7/10- Special features: Will switch between moving horizontally & vertically. Has a 10% percent chance to spawn in pairs-Health: 7/10. Objectively the most dangerous bug. Not only can it match your speed, but it has an insane amount of health. You should keep an eye out for them. Just remember that they can only move on one axis at a time and use that to your advantage and you should be good.
Tony (unprovoked) \/\/\/ Shape: Circular with arms(?) and legs (!?)- Colo(u)r: Blue- Speed: Moderate- Rarity: 3/10- Special features: Will not pursue the player. If attacked, will switch to its provoked form- Health: 3/10. Is it just me or does Tony look really derpy? Anyways, just don't hurt him and he won't hurt you. He will eventually self-destruct if you leave him alone for long enough.
Tony (provoked) \/\/\/ Shape: Circular with arms(?) and legs (!?)- Colo(u)r: Red- Speed: Moderately fast-Rarity: 3/10- Special features: None- Health: 3/10. You shouldn't have touched Tony.
Bug O \/\/\/ Shape: Circular-ish- Colo(u)r: Yellow- Speed: Moderately slow- Rarity 2/10- Special features: Will chase the cursor. If it catches the cursor, it will gain more health and chase the player- Health: 2/10. Do anything within reason to stop them from getting the cursor. You can also lure them into the opposite side of the screen.
Vegan energy bar: This is a powerup that will only appear in Dev mode. When collected, it will boost your energy & motivation.
its basically midnight right now and im so tired omGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG