Devil's Waltz

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Entry for the 20-Second Game Jam.

Click the devil as many times as you can within 20 seconds, but watch out for his tricks. The twinkling of his eye will be your clue.

Caution for kiddos: Each time you click an illusion, it will make a spooky laugh. Other than that, the two image files on this page show all graphics contained in this game. Therefore, the information contained  on this page is adequate for judgment of whether or not this game is suitable for you and/or your children. Furthermore, here is an audio-video spectacle of the game in action.

In my opinion, this game is much more silly than spooky, but being a childlike soul myself, I know that those with hearts more tender than mine must be protected at all costs.

InputEffectTouch / Left mouse button
Begin game / Hit devil or illusion
FToggle fullscreenEscClose game

I never shy away from an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have not heard the good news or have been pushed away from it for one reason or another, please do not wait to check out my profile. I believe very big changes are about to take place in the world, and I have much to tell all people who will humbly trade a few moments of their time. That is all I ask, and it could be the most important thing you ever do. All glory be to God.

Release date
Zane Johns
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Nov 14, 2022

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