Dice Defender Ultimate Edition

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By Azza Media Group
Ash47 & AzzaFortysix

Can you defend against 40 waves of attackers? A boss will challenge you every 10 waves!

Defend yourself against wave after wave of killer robots.
Spawn a range of dice random towers in a random location.
Try merging towers of the same type and level to build a more powerful defence -- careful! You'll get a brand new tower when you do this! For better or worse...
Upgrade your towers globally for insane power levels.
====== DICE TOWER INFO ======
Electric Dice:
Electric Dice attack the first enemy, and chain lightning attacks 2 following targets, 100% damage to the first target, then 75% to the 2nd, and 50% to the third.
Attack Damage: 30 (+10 per upgrade)
Attack Speed: 0.7s
Lightning Damage: 30 (+20 per upgrade)

Fire Dice:
Fire Dice attack the first enemy, dealing attack damage to the enemy it hits, plus splash damage to nearby enemies.
Attack Damage: 20 (+10 per upgrade)
Attack Speed: 0.8s
Splash Damage: 20 (+20 per upgrade)

Ice Dice:
Ice Dice attack the first enemy, dealing damage and slowing them down. Slow effects stack.
Attack Damage: 30 (+30 per upgrade)
Attack Speed: 1.5s
Slow Effect: 5% (+2% per upgrade)

Poison Dice:
Poison Dice target the first non-poisoned enemy. Poisoned enemies will take damage every second.
Attack Damage: 20 (+10 per upgrade)
Attack Speed: 1.3s
Poison Damage: 50/s (+25 per upgrade)

Trap Dice:
Trap Dice do not attack, rather, they place spike traps randomly along the track. Spikes inflict damage and break when enemies touch them.
Attack Damage: 0
Attack Speed: 5s
Trap Damage: 110 (+100 per upgrade)

Universal Dice:
Universal Dice attack the first enemy. These dice can be merged with any other dice of the same dot count.
Attack Damage: 20 (+10 per upgrade)
Attack Speed: 1s


Music licensed for use in this game via Azza Media Group through Epidemic Sound.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jul 19, 2022

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