Dice vs Pawns
Basic input: Drag and drop dice and items where you need them to be.
All of your dice will be rolled at the start of your turn.
Grey dice sides are considered empty. You can add icons and colors to them with items you can obtain via trade requests. You may also replace the existing dice side colors or icons.
Drag and drop matching dice rolls on enemy patterns to defeat enemies.
Drag and drop matching dice rolls on trade request patterns to fulfill them and get items.
Note: When the pattern requires both icon and color, you can match both icon and color at the same time or use two separate dice to match them separately.
Bomb - drop on an enemy to instantly destroy it
Brush - paint one of the dice sides facing up to the color
Shape - change the icon on one of the dice sides facing up
Lock - lock a dice to not be rolled next turn
As you progress, there will be new colors and new icons appearing. There will be a total 6 icons and 6 colors at the end, after which point there will be no new content.
Icons/Enemies -
Delapouite https://delapouite.com/
sbed https://opengameart.org/content/95-game-icons
Skoll https://game-icons.net/
Lorc https://lorcblog.blogspot.com/
Background -
"Night forest background" Olga Bikmullina (http://ahninniah.graphics) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/